I just got back yesterday from a much needed 2 weeks of R&R leave. It was WAY to short.....but its better than nothing.....I think. It was especially hard to leave my family and friends again. However, I did get spiritually fed while I was home and that was very much needed. Not so much in the form of sermons, but in the form of fellowship with other Christians.
As soon as I got back to my unit I got hit hard with bad news. Apparently while I was gone, the Army thought they would change a bunch of stuff (imagine that), so when I got back...I got hit with it all at once.
My prayer request is that I can stay motivated for the next 8 months or so until I get to come home for good. I am really having a hard time staying positive especially after having received the bad news yesterday. Just pray that I will keep my focus on the Lord, that I will have joy in Him and that His will be done.
Thank you for your prayers.
Care Package List update:
Spiced Cider Packets
Juicy Juice Apple Juice Boxes
Hersheys Milk Chocolate Bars (with or without Almonds)
Air Fresheners
iTunes Gift Cards
That's all I can think of for the time being....the main thing I need is prayer.
Thank you all for your support and I hope to see you soon!
what is the date of your discharge?