28 May 2009

Summary of my trip to Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA 2009

Ok, So if you read my last blog entry you are probably thinking that this is going to be another down on life post.....well its not.

My trip to FTIG (Ft. Indiantown Gap), PA couldnt have been more helpful to me in this journey we call life. I have definitely learned some valuable lessons that are life long lessons. While my trip up here did have some large potholes in the road, I made it through and I have definitely learned some things on the way.....OH....and I got to meet some really great people too....I will tell you about them in a minute!

Lesson No.1: Digging into the word daily is extremely important!----Now if you know me at all, you know that I HATE to read!!! Its just not me....I have a hard enough time sitting still, much less sitting still and having my face in a book. I had a friend from Kennesaw, Mr. Marc Amason, challenge me to read a chapter of Proverbs a day.......while I cant say that I have been perfect at doing it EVERY day....I have been doin good for the most part and I play catch up every now and then. Thanks Marc! It has been such a wonderful blessing because it starts off my day on the right foot....and Proverbs is a book about wisdom....which is something that I could always use more of.

Lesson No.2: We have to choose our battles. This is easier said than done.....but we as Christians have to do it, we as people have to do it, and I as a Soldier have to do it......sometimes more than I like. If you have read my last post.......well you can just see how frustrated and upset I was about the whole thing.....well I chose to fight that battle....which for me and my rank, was a dangerous battle to fight.....HOWEVER, God works in mysterious ways and I eventually went to the Chaplain about all these problems and he encouraged me in my fight again evil. He said, "We as Christians are suppose to love our enemies but we dont have to love what they do."....he also told me that we as Christians cannot be doormats for people who just dont care how they act. He said that he was very impressed that I was willing to stand up to someone higher ranking that me and tell them that they were wrong in the way that they were acting........but the hard part in this for me was using tact in the way I did that!!!!

Lesson No.3: "Southern Hospitality" is no longer just a southern thing. The people of Annville, PA, specifically the congregation of Annville United Methodist Church opened their arms, their hearts, and their doors to me and welcomed me as if I was family and I cant say THANK YOU enough. They have been such a blessing in my life and in my trip to Pennsylvania. The Taylor family, Diane, Tim, and Timmy, for those of you that dont know, Tim is an E-8 which is quite a bit higher rank than I am, who is in the PA National Guard and is stationed at FTIG. He and his family welcomed me into their home and into their lives, and at least twice a week had me over for dinner and gave me a home cooked meal. I cannot say thank you enough to them. The Lynch family, Pastor John, his wife, Mandy, and Sammy (a golden retriever) welcomed me into the church and also treated me like I was family. Thank you so much! And also, the congregation of Annville United Methodist Church, thank you for loving and serving the Lord in the way that you do.....yall will always have a special place in my heart!

Well I have to go now....I get to play around in a 15 million dollar flight simulator today....YAY....and then tomorrow I leave for KY to visit mom and dad for a couple days and then back home to GEORGIA!!!!! I cant wait to see everyone.

01 May 2009

Trip to PA for CH-47 school at EAATS, PA

This place SUCKS!!! Actually its not the place....its the people im with!!! I was here back in 2006 and had no problems......and now....3 years later...im here with two other guys from my unit....who I'm getting ready to deploy with for 12 months.....and there are problems......BIG PROBLEMS....

I can't understand or stand people that dont care about anyone but themselves...and I have two people that are that way!!! How can you not care about anyone but yourself....I dont get it!!! I know there are a lot of people out there that are this way....but I still dont understand how.

I have never met guys that are more perverse or disrespectful towards women in my entire life...there is more to a woman than her private parts and just because she doesnt want to sleep with you or she doesnt pay you any attention does not make her a cunt, slut, whore, bitch, or anything else that I have heard woman called by these two.

I am living in hell up here in PA....it has got to be the toughest spiritual battle I have ever had to face in my life....I am up here away from my church, away from my friends, away from anything and anyone I know and the people I am with up here do nothing but make walking the right path harder.

If I am having this hard of a time up here with only two members of my unit, I hate to think about what life is going to be like half way around the world with my whole unit....I hope my unit isnt all like these two.

Please pray for me, and thank you for all the prayers that you have already sent my way.....it really means alot. However, things are still tough!!!