16 March 2009

March 2009

Hey guys,

So I have never blogged before or anything like it but this is a way for me to keep yall informed as to everything thats going on while im gone....as well as before I go...since we are in March and I dont deploy till August. I'm going to try to keep this updated as much as I possible can and yall can view it anytime yall want. Its going to start off really slow.....im going to only post about once a month or so till I actually deploy because until then I know that I will have cell phone service and I can talk and text just as easily.

I have to admit, for the past 6 months or so, I've known that a deployment was coming and I have been excited about it. I have been eager to deploy because of the growth and the life lessons that I will gain as a result. Also, its a completely new place and its an adventure.

I found out a ton of information when I went down to Savannah for my national guard drill for the month of March. Ever since then all my excitement and whatever positive feelings I had have been overshadowed by feeling of fear.....fear of the unknown mostly. Unknown enemy, unkown living conditions, unknown quality of life, unknown environment and culture, as well as not knowing how this is going to affect my spiritual walk. I can tell you, the military is not the easiest situation for a Christian to be in and continue to follow Christ. A lot of time I find myself slipping in my Christian walk even if I just go down for national guard drill for one weekend. Let alone an entire year where everything is surrounded by violence, sex, porn, cussing, alcohol, you name it.

This is definitely a big time step out of my comfort zone and into a full fledge faith walk with God.

I want to ask you to pray for me, it doesnt have to be everyday, although that would be nice, but just whenever it presses on your heart. I need prayer in this more than ever before in my life.

Again more posts will follow this is just a trial post since I've never done blogging before.

To be continued....

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